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Geographic Situation

Schönwalde Geographic Situation

Date of Knoke's arrival

Date of departure

Type of employed planes

From ?.01.1940

To 25.08.1940

Fw.44, Ar 65, Ar 68, He 45, He 46, Ju W34, Go 145

Ensemble Plan
Yous can clic on some zone of the plan.
Schönwalde Ensemble Planentrance to Schönwalde 1940
Guard post and entrance to Schönwalde,
photo taken by Heinz Knoke in 1940.
Schönwalde 1940 You can enlarge this Focke-Wulf FW 58 You can enlarge this Gotha 145 You can enlarge this Gotha 145 You can enlarge this Gotha 145
Photo from Schönwalde airfield
taken by
Heinz KNOKE in 1940.
Yous can clic on the planes to enlarge them.
The control building, situated in the center of the plan, is on the right of the picture.
Photos from Heinz Knoke personnal albums
Cards and plans were found in the excellent book
Fliegerhorste und Einsatzhäfen der Luftwaffe.
Planskizzen 1935 - 1945 of Karl Ries et Wolfgang Dierich.
Any information or photographic document to illustrate this place and the persons (having a report with KNOKE) having frequented him will be the welcomes. Thank you beforehand.

 * - - - Very Special Thanks to Jutta and Dieter for kindness and help - - - *

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View of guard post and entrance to Schönwalde View of hangar and control building