Lost on June 11, 1943
... I found at a antique shop a "In Grateful Memory" certificate for John F Davoren. He was the left Waist gunner on this B-17.
Jerry Warstler
[photo courtesy from Jerry Warstler ]
Serial Type / Name Squadron Code Date Reason Mission / Crash Location Pilot / Crew 42-29693 Boeing B-17F-65-BO "Lonesome Polecat" 95 BG
412 BSQW-O June 11, 1943 on return over North sea,
and under fighter attack,
left formation out of control, exploded and crashed into the seaCuxhaven
Crash Location :
North Sea1st Lt. Mackinnon,
F/O Wood,
2nd Lt. Powell,
2nd Lt. Jenkins
T/sgt Mareck,
T/sgt Vail,
S/sgt John F Davoren FWG,
S/sgt Babick
S/sgt Bennett,
S/sgt Blackridge
MACR 2807