< Previous Page B-17F-80-BO, 42-29986 o

Lost on June 25, 1943

Original 100th BG by James R. Brown

Crew #1

Aircraft #42-29986 MACR 269

Original Crew
Capt Oran E. Petrich P KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
2nd Lt Bluford B. Mullins CP KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
1st Lt Edward N. Jones N KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
1st Lt Louis B. Grate B
T/Sgt Max P. Brim E KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
S/Sgt Joseph D. Bieu WG KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
T/Sgt Edward J. Zerblis R KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
S/Sgt Henry H. Rutherford BT KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
S/Sgt Pete S. Villalobes, Jr. WG KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen
S/Sgt James M. Strong, Jr. TG KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen

Lt. Stanley Morrison B KIA 25-Jun-43 Bremen (regular bombardier of Crew #29 of the 418 BS)

A complete and exact sequence of events on this mission, the first flown by the 100th, is most difficult to determine. Of the 30 men comprising crews #1, 2 and 3, only five survived the mission and, of these, Nick Demchak is the only one who could be located by this writer.

Demchak and I agree that the 100th on this day never completed a proper assembly. At the time of leaving the English coast, the 349th, flying low squadron, was perhaps a mile to the rear of the lead squadron led by Major Flesher of the 418th. Both the lead and high squadrons seemed scattered all over the sky and a true Group combat formation never existed. The atrocious weather had a part in this situation, but perhaps a larger role was that of the questionable judgment of the Group leader.

At a point a little north of the East Frisian islands, Crew #1, leading the first element, disappeared into the undercast and was not seen again. No doubt it fell victim to enemy fighters as did crews #2 and 3.

Louie Grate, regular bombardier on this crew, for same reason did not fly this first mission. His place was taken by Lt. Stanley Morrison (KIA) who was the regular bombardier of Crew #29 of the 418th Squadron. No further record of Grate's service with the 100th has been found.

serial number

plane type / name



 date lost


mission lost on

pilot / crew 


Boeing B-17F-80-BO

100 BG
349 BS


June 25, 1943



Crash Location
North Sea

Capt Oran E. Petrich P
2nd Lt Bluford B.
Mullins CP
1st Lt Edward N. Jones
1st Lt. Stanley Morrison
T/Sgt Max P. Brim
S/Sgt Joseph D. Bieu
T/Sgt Edward J. Zerblis
S/Sgt Henry H. Rutherford
S/Sgt Pete S. Villalobes, Jr.
S/Sgt James M. Strong, Jr.
MACR 269

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