Lost on May 14, 1943
B-24D Serial No. 41-24295 J "Wicked Witch"
Flight and Maintenance Crew(Front row left to right): 1st Lt. JamesC. (Curt) MacAtee, O-659743 Pilot, 2nd Lt. Douglas B. Myers, O-730575 Copilot,
2nd Lt. Richard L. Schiefelbusch, O-663417 Navigator, 2nd Lt. Sydney W. Bank, O-727615 Bombardier.(Second row left to right) : Staff Sergeant Joseph B. Duncan, 33281841 Left Waist Gunner,
Staff Sergeant George E. Christensen, 37281658 Right Waist Gunner,
Staff Sergeant Stanley W. Gliemboski, 36196961 Tail Gunner,
Technical Sergeant William J. Mears, 37282895 Top Turret Gunner,
Technical Sergeant Frederick T. Wolf, 36233230 Radio Operator.(Back row) : Maintenance crew - Names not known.
Photo Date: early spring 1943? Note bare trees in background
Place: Shipdham, England
[photo courtesie from Kelly Christensen]
----- Original Message ----- From: Christensen, Kelly SFC
To: 'Franck Ruffino'
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:53 PM
Subject: RE: B-24 lost on 14 May 1943Mr. Ruffino : I have found out that my uncle's plane was a B-24, serial number B-24-D-25-CO, 41-24295J, nickname "Wicked Witch", assigned to the 506th Bomb Squadron, 44th Bomb Group, 14th Bomb Wing, 2nd Air Division, 8th Air Force; based at Shipdham, England (Base 115).
I have found out very little information on where my uncle's plane crashed. I spoke with the navigator, who is the only remaining survivor, and he told me that after most of the crew bailed out, that the pilot turned the plane back over land and then the pilot and copilot bailed out. He did not remember hearing the bail out signal, or how he was told to get out. No one can find the pilot on that mission and the co-pilot died last year, and the bombardier has also passed away.
It appears that all the enlisted died in the North Sea due to exposure to the cold water. All the officers survived and were taken prisoner. The navigator told me that he was almost drowned when a German fishing boat picked him up. At the fishing dock where he was taken he saw the body of the radio operator.
I have asked the US Air Force for the Missing Air Crew (MACR) Report for this aircraft and they have replied that there is none to be found. I have also asked for an Individual Deceased Persons File for my uncle and again was told that there is none.
When I spoke to the navigator he told me that he did remember the head winds aloft were much stronger than the weather people had forecast; and that after the bomb run, when the formation turned away from the target, that the aircraft slowed down very much, which allowed the fighters to attack them. He also thinks at least one of the engines was damaged and also possibly the cockpit controls. The unofficial squadron history books says the plane was lost due to flak and fighters. It does not say where the aircraft went down.
My uncle and the radio operator are buried in the Ardennes American Cemetery in Neupre France. I am in contact with the radio operators son and he has sent me pictures of my uncle's grave.
I have a photo of the crew with the original pilot. On the day of the Kiel attack he was sick, so was replaced by a Captain Swanson. The original pilot, Lt. McAtee went on to become the commanding officer of the 506th Squadron. Attached is a crew photo and a crew name roster and the navigator's (Mr. Schiefelbusch) memories as I wrote them down.
If you want to know more, or if I find out more, I will let you know.
Kelly Christensen
serial number
plane type / name
date lost
mission lost on
pilot / crew
"Wicked Witch"
44 BG
506 BS
? J ?
May 14, 1943
flak and fighters
Crash location
probably near or on the german coast
Cpt Swanson, P POW
2nd Lt. Douglas B. Myers, CP POW
2nd Lt. Richard L. Schiefelbusch, N POW
2nd Lt. Sydney W. Bank, B POW
Sgt Joseph B. Duncan, LWG KIA
Sgt George E. Christensen, RWG KIA
Sgt Stanley W. Gliemboski, TG KIA
TSgt William J. Mears, TTG KIA
TSgt Frederick T. Wolf, R KIA