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Picture taken little before August 13, 1944 in front of a Bf 109G of 8./JG11.

Albert Fritsch
Lt. Albert Fritsch, born Mars 16, 1917 in Idar-Oberstein
ID tag: -41--Wach-Batl.Rgt."General Göring"
U August 13, 1944 U
Bf 109 G-6 15 Wnr 163978.
The Lieutenant Albert Fritsch struck a high-tension line during his landing in the twilight to Ballancourt on August 13, 1944. Transported towards
Luftwaffen-Reserve-Lazarett Paris-Clichy (Clichy's hospital ?) he will die from consequences of the wounds. Inhumed in Paris. Exhumed and reinhumed in Saint André de l'Eure's cemetery among the unknowns.
(Source: Deutsche Dienstelle (WASt), 13400 Berlin)

Among nine bodies found after war to Ballancourt two were not able to be identified. One of these two bodies is described so: " Unknown: dead on August 15, 1944 Air Force". It is in fact more likely, in view of date, that this body is that of Uffz. Piepenbrung.

To know more about it I recommend you the reading of this excellent book:

Luftwaffe face au debarquement

  La Luftwaffe
face au débarquement allié

 Jean - Bernard Frappé



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