(Standing Left to Right) 1st Lt. Mackinnon,
F/O Wood, 2nd Lt. Powell, 2nd Lt. Jenkins
(Kneeling Left to Right) T/sgt Mareck, T/sgt Vail, S/sgt Davoren,
S/sgt Babick
(Front ) S/sgt Bennett, S/sgt Blackridge
Seven of them were on the B-17
when it was shot down
[photo courtesy from
Jerry Warstler ]
- - - Special
Thanks to Jerry Warstler
for the photo
- - -
Serial |
Type / Name |
Squadron |
Code |
Reason |
Mission / Crash Location |
Pilot / Crew |
42-29693 |
Boeing B-17F-65-BO "Lonesome Polecat" |
95 BG |
QW-O |
on return
over North sea, |
Cuxhaven |
1st Lt. Mackinnon,
Source : message of James Lewis associate member of the 95thBG 10 Feb 00 Wilhelmshaven Raid Hello!
I saw your listing on the 95thBG website in regard to loss of 95th B-17 on above mentioned raid.
According to "Operational Record of the 95th Bomb Group ( H ) by Mr. Paul M. Andrews, it shows that B-17, Ser# 229693, call letter O, of the 412th Bomb Sqdn, on 11 June 43, on return over North sea, and under fighter attack, left formation out of control, exploded and crashed into the sea.
MACR 2807. All crew members were killed.
This record does not show aircraft having a "Nickname".
Nickname must be confirmed but " Lonesome Polecat " is very probably B-17 having burst under guns of Heinz KNOKE. Details on return way over North sea sit well with KNOKE account.
The hour need to be verified with the contents of the MACR 2807, and find the claims of other German pilots in the sector.
Searches concerning this victory :
The mission of the USAAF
Mission Number 62 :
252 B-17's are dispatched against the U-boat yard at Wilhelmshaven, Germany and the port area at Cuxhaven, Germany;
218 hit the targets; we claim 85-20-24 Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 8 and 62 are damaged.
Casualties are 3 KIA, 20 WIA and 80 MIA.
The raid on Wilhelmshaven demonstrates the difficulty of operating beyond range of fighters escort as enemy fighters attacks prevent accurate bombing of the target.
B-17 declared lost on June 11, 1943 (current result of my works) :
Source : message of James Lewis associate member of the 95thBG
serial number
plane type / name
mission lost on
Boeing B-17F-65-BO "Lonesome Polecat"
95 BG
412 BSQW-O
on return over North sea,
and under fighter attack,
left formation out of control, exploded and crashed into the seaCuxhaven
Crash Location :
North Sea1st Lt. Mackinnon,
F/O Wood,
2nd Lt. Powell,
2nd Lt. Jenkins
T/sgt Mareck,
T/sgt Vail,
S/sgt John F Davoren FWG,
S/sgt Babick
S/sgt Bennett,
S/sgt Blackridge
MACR 2807
serial number |
squadron |
code |
reason |
mission lost on |
pilot |
42-5430 |
303 BG 359BS |
BN-V |
collision With FW190 |
Wilhelmshaven |
Source : Book "The B-17 Flying Fortress Story"
serial number
plane type / name
mission lost on
Boeing B-17F-25-DL
379 BG 527 BS
Crash Location :
North SeaPinson,
MACR 1368 42-3114Boeing B-17F-25-DL
379 BG 525 BS
Crash Location :
North SeaBritten,
MACR 129542-3138
Boeing B-17F-25-DL
379 BG 527 BS
Crash Location :
MACR 135742-3148
Boeing B-17F-25-DL
379 BG 527 BS
Crash Location :
MACR 136942-29875
Boeing B-17F-75-BO
379 BG 527 BS
Crash Location :
9 KIA, 1 POW,
MACR 1358?
379 BG?
Elements to direct searches :
Source : Message of Clint GruberHello Mr. Franck.
A detailed list of aircraft involved in this mission, Groups, losses, etc. can be found on page 65 of Roger Freeman's wonderful "Mighty Eighth War Diary." According to the book, ten Groups of B17's flew this mission, to Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven. 252 planes were dispatched, 218 bombed the targets, and 8 bombers failed to return. The 303rd BG lost one (lost in collision with an FW190), the 379th BG lost 6, and the 95th BG lost 1.
Hope this is a start. If you have access to this book, it is wonderful for details on all 8thAF missions.
I flew a B24 in the 93rd BG. Thanks for your kind remarks of gratitude.Clint Gruber
Source : message de James Lewis associate member of the 95thBG 10 Feb 00 Wilhelmshaven RaidHello! I saw your listing on the 95thBG website in regard to loss of 95th B-17 on above mentioned raid.
According to "Operational Record of the 95th Bomb Group ( H ) by Mr. Paul M. Andrews,it shows that B-17,Ser# 229693,call letter O, of the 412th Bomb Sqdn,on 11 June 43,on return over North sea,and under fighter attack, left formation out of control,exploded and crashed into the sea. MACR 2807. All crew members were killed. This record does not show aircraft having a "Nickname".
In the way of introductions: My name is Jim Lewis,an associate member of
the 95thBG. My wife and I operate the PX for the Group and take care off the annual Wreath Laying at
their Memorial located at Air Force Museum, Dayton,Ohio. We live about 12 miles from it.
Please feel free to contact me at any time you feel we could help you Where is home for you??.Respectfully, Jim Lewis
Message de Darrell McCoy AM2ndAD 389thBGCan give you this much: Wilhemshaven 11 jun 43 U-Boat yards, 8 A/C lost 62 damaged. CASUALITIES WERE 3 KIA, 20 WIA and 80 MIA. About all I have at the present.
Photo of Lead Crew of the 358th BS for mission #41 on June 11, 1943 Wilhelmshaven.
Jersey Bounce, Jr. #42-29664 (358BS) VK-C
103rd PBCW Lead (358BS) - Pilot Capt R.J. Nolan / CoPilot LtCol C.E. Marion
Description of this victory by Heinz Knoke and different information :
Warning !
To facilitate the reading, lines of Heinz Knoke's flightbook, appearing above, were modified with small computing assembly.
If the disposal is not in accordance with the original, the main thing of the information, namely the mission 199 of June 6, has no change.
Heinz Knoke Informations
Personal comments
I flew for the f... page 101Date
June 11, 1943Type of claimed plane
FortressPlace of the interception
Far out above North Sea, formation heading for homeCrash Location
Far out in North SeaProbably no survivor
Presumed mission USAAF
Presumed route USAAF
Heading for homeSchedule
On evening.
Twice Knoke take off to intercept (from Jever).
Victory on the second missionProbably first time for bombers coming, and second time on way for home return...
Weather report
Knoke's Unit
Description of the fight
KNOKE noted in his book : "One of the Fortresses finaly goes down after my fourth run at it."
Luftwaffe' Official Victories on June 11, 1943.
Source : Jagdgeschwader 1 und 11 Tail 1 1939 - 1943 Jochen Prien, Peter Rodeike.
Rank / Pilot Unit Plane Schedule Olt.Sommer 4./JG11 B-17 17.54 Lt.Arlt 4./JG11 B-17 17.57 Lt.Hondt 6./JG11 B-17 HSS 17.58 Uffz.Hartmann 6./JG11 B-17 Lt.Kâmpf 6./JG11 B-17 Lt.Hondt 6./JG11 B-17 n.b. Hptm.Specht II./JG 11 B-17 18.05 Uffz.Klotz 4./JG 11 B-17 18.20 Uffz.Herzog 2./JG 1 B-17 HSS 18.15 Ofw.Laun 1./JG 1 B-17 Lt.Wintergerst 9./JG 1 B-17 Olt.Knoke 5./JG 11 B-17 19.35 Fw.Schneider 6./JG 11 B-17 HSS 19.35 Fw.Schramm 3./JG 11 B-17 HSS 19.50