Searches concerning this victory :
progress of the search | 3 | Last update | August 6 , 2001 | Evaluation quality of information | 3 |
The mission of the USAAF
Number 56 :
A maximum force is put in the air as part of a combined offensive against the Wehrmacht.
154 B-17's, 21 B-24's and 12 B-26's are dispatched against 4 targets.
The principal attack is against submarine yards and naval installations at Kiel, Germany; 136 B-17's and 21 B-24's are dispatched with 126 B-17's and 17 B-24's hitting the target at 1200-1203 hours local. We claim 62-24-27 Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 5 B-24's and 3 B-17's with 1 B-24 damaged beyond repair and 9 B-24's and 27 B-17's damaged. Casualties are 3 KIA, 17 WIA and 81 MIA.
42 B-17's are dispatched against the former Ford and General Motors plants at Antwerp, Belgium; 38 hit the target at 1320 hours local; we claim 5-1-4 Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 1 and 15 others and damaged; casualties are 3 WIA and 10 MIA ;
in the third raid, 39 B-17's are dispatched against Courtrai Airfield, France; 34 hit the target; we claim 0-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 2 B-17's and 10 others are damaged; casualties are 20 MIA.
In the 4th raid, 12 B-26's are dispatched against the Velsen power station at Ijmuiden, The Netherlands; 11 hit the target at 1100 hours; 1 B-26 is damaged beyond repair when it crashes upon returning to base and 9 others are damaged; casualties are 1 KIA and 7 MIA.
This is first time more than 200 US bombers are dispatched. The attack at Ijmuiden is made at low level by the 322d Bombardment Group (Medium), the first US medium bomber group to become operational in the UK.
The Antwerp mission is escorted by 118 P-47's; they claim 4-6-11 Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 3 P-47's and 1 is damaged; casualties are 3 MIA.
3 B-17 declared lost on May 14, 1943 (short list) :
Source : Book "The B-17 Flying Fortress Story"
Source : 303rd Bombardment Group (H) Eighth Air Force Station 107 - Molesworth, England
serial number plane name squadron code date lost reason mission lost on pilot 41-24481 Boeing B-17F-10-BO "Hell's Angels" 91 BG
322 BSLG-M May 14, 1943 ? Kiel
Crash Location : Nord Sea near Amrum Island
(30km NW > Husum)Broley,
MACR 1549842-30003 Boeing B-17F-80-BO "War Eagle" 92 BG
407 BSPY-S May 14, 1943 fighter Kiel
Crash Location
(45km S-SE > Husum)
Last observed circling down under control toward Amrum Island
(30km NW > Husum)
w/one engine out, one stabilizer shot off1 Lt. Lowell L. Walker P POW
Lt. John C. "Jack" Eder CP POW
Lester L. Kleuver N POW
Ernest F. Bean ? POW
Donald E. Hutton E POW
Everett K. Teaford R? KIA
M/Sgt. James E. Lane BT? KIA
S/Sgt. Donald E. Buckland W? KIA
S/Sgt. Malcolm Culpepper T KIA
MACR 16055 + Livre "The B-17 Flying Fortress Story"
serial number plane type squadron Code date lost reason mission lost on pilot 42-5243 B17F-40-BO "F.D.R.'s Potato Peeler Kids" 303 BG
359 BSBN-P May 14, 1943 fighter Kiel
Crash Location
North SeaCapt Ross C. Bales P
Lt Walter E. Dooley CP
S/Sgt Raymond K. Winters E
Sgt Jack D. Snell TG
S/Sgt Raymond H. Kilgore R
10 KIA
MACR 15593The planes which are a part of this short list are those that answer the following criterion:
mission on Kiel and not of fall close to Husum.What I look for concerning these planes :
41-24481 The exact crash location of the plane German documents concerning Knoke's victory or falling point The contents of the MACR 15498 42-30003 The exact crash location of the plane The contents of the MACR 16055 Testimonies of the crew 42-5243 The exact crash location of the plane The contents of the MACR 15593 ? 5 B-24 ? According to the message below 5 B-24 would have been lost during this mission on Kiel. I found only 4... The interest of B-24 is to be able to analyze their falling point. At this moment B-17 and B-24 was all nicknamed "Fortresses" or "Viermots" by german pilots. There is maybe possible confusion. How many other victories were claimed by German pilots in this sector this day ? Which is the detail of it ?
Description of this victory by Heinz Knoke and different information : Crash Location : near HUSUM
Heinz Knoke Informations
Personal comments
Source I flew for the f... page 98
Date May 14, 1943
Type of claimed plane B-17 Flight Fortress
Place of the interception Beginning of attack over Holstein 30.000 feet
Crash Location Near Husum
Square ST-7
Presumed Mission USAAF Bombing Kiel
Presumed route USAAF On way home after bombing Kiel
Schedule Fortress crash near Husum at 12.17
Weather report
Knoke's Unit 5./JG11
All Bf 109G are slung with a 500-lb. high-explosive bomb equiped with a fifteen-second time fuse.
Description of the fight "I attempt another frontal attack. My first salvo registers right in the control cabin of a Fortress. It rears up, like a great animal that has been mortally wounded, and drops away in steep spirals to the right. At approximately 10000 feet . It crashes near Husum at 12.17." Probably both pilots were killed...
Detail 1 "...a wing breaks off."
A sure victory.
Detail 2 Knoke mention that Sergeants Fürhmann, Fest and Biermann shot down three other Fortress by bombing . The fifth victory of 5./JG11 was claimed by Sergeant Wenneckers.
Detail 3 Knoke didn't mention parachutes. Probably no survivor.
Luftwaffe' Official Victories on May 14, 1943.
Source : Jagdgeschwader 1 und 11 Tail 1 1939 - 1943 Jochen Prien, Peter Rodeike.
Rank / Pilot Unit Plane ScheduleOlt. Grosser 2./JG11 B-17Hptm. Specht II./JG11 B-24Lt. Kilian II./JG11 B-24Olt. Sommer 4./JG11 B-24Lt. Knoke 5./JG11 B-17 12h17Fw. Wennekers 5./JG11 B-17Hptm. Falkensamer 6./JG11 B-17Lt. Hondt 6./JG11 B-17Olt. Strobl I./JG11 B-17